About Us

The General Services Office ensures that the proper authorization and prompt execution of procurement of supplies and property are observed, physical control and access of tangible assets are adequately safeguarded by person in custody of the property, that disposal must be in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations, delivery of the general services, janitorial and security services are effectively carried out.

Our Vision-Mission

We commit to transform the City’s vision into reality by providing gso services with the highest degree of excellence and professionalism, justness and sincerity, commitment to public interest, prompt, courteous, effective and efficient public service.

Who we are









What we do

  1. City General Services Officer
    • Provides technical assistance and support in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilities;
    • Develops plans and strategies particularly those related to general services supportive of the City’s inhabitants;
    • Takes custody and be accountable for all City owned properties;
    • Assigns building space, subject to the approval of the City Mayor;
    • Recommends reasonable rental rates for City properties and rental rates of private properties to be leased by the City;
    • Maintains and supervises janitorial, security, landscaping and related services in City owned or leased buildings;
    • Collates and disseminate information regarding prices and other costs of supplies and other items commonly used by the City’s department & offices;
    • Performs archival and record management of City’s documents;
    • Performs all other functions pertaining to supply & property management;
    • Be in frontline of general services related activities such as possible or imminent destruction or damage to records, supplies, properties;
    • Recommends to the Sangguniang Panlungsod thru the City Mayor on matters relative to general services.
  2. Assistant City General Services Officer
    • Under direction, plans, coordinates and supervises functions and activities on sanitation and general maintenance;
    • Formulates policies and guidelines on effective supervision and management for efficient delivery of public services relative proper refuse disposal, maintenance of cleanliness, sanitation of City Hall lobbies;
    • Assists in supervision on general maintenance functions with regards to janitorial, repair and maintenance of minor plumbing facilities, carpentry works, electrical works and the like;
    • Assists in supervision in the procurement and acquisition of supplies, materials and equipment needed by all departments and offices of the City;
    • Plans and formulates policies, guidelines and procedures geared towards efficient, economical and effective procurement and supply management system;
    • Assists in supervision on property maintenance and custodial functions, over all properties and assets of the City, its utilization and disposal;
    • Assists in supervision on Records, Custodial and disposal thereof; formulates policies and guidelines for effective and efficient records keeping and management.
  3. Administrative Division
    • Directs and supervises administrative activities and services functions of the office, relative to human resource development and management;
    • Prepares budget proposals;
    • Establishes supply procurement program and property management and utilization;
    • Services as the center of communication of the office;
    • Provides security and take charge of the maintenance and repair of office equipment and facilities of the office;
    • Supervises janitorial services, orderliness and sanitation within the area of responsibility;
    • Complies circulars and administrative issuances and ensure proper dissemination thereof; and
    • Formulates administrative policies to improve existing systems and procedures for effective and efficient delivery of services.
  4. Procurement Division
    • Validate the Annual Procurement Plan of the departments and offices and consolidate all APPlans showing the itemized list as to kind, estimated cost, estimated quantity, description of the property together with the balance on hand if any required for the ensuing fiscal year into an Annual Procurement Program for approval of the City Mayor;
    • Serve as the procurement, acquisition and supply center for processing of all supply, materials and equipment needed by all departments and offices of the City Gov’t.;
    • Conduct Public Bidding
      • Issue Notice for Pre-Procurement Conference, if necessary;
      • Consolidate Invitation to Bid (ITB) (By Category);
      • Prepare and distribute Dealer’s Acknowledgment Slip together with the (ITB) to prospective suppliers;
      • Advertising and Posting of the ITB for public bidding and auction in the Newspaper, PhilGeps, and at any conspicuous place . Sec. 21.2 of RA 9184.
      • Issue Notice for Pre-Bid Conference, if required;
      • Assist the Secretariat to the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) in the preparations of documents:
        1. Prepare Agenda of Goods and Services BAC Meeting.
        2. Prepare Abstract of Bid by Category.
        3. Prepare Results of Public Bidding (RPB).
        4. Post Results of Public Bidding (RPB) in the GSO Bulletin Board.
      • Distribute copy of RPBs to all departments and offices;
      • Maintain List of Accredited Suppliers;
    • Encoding and data processing;
    • Validate and process Purchase Request if within the APPlan submitted by the requisitioning department or office;
    • Validate and process Purchase Order if within the Result of Public Bidding (RPB) or Alternative Mode of Procurement;
    • Prepare communication as the need arises;
    • Issue and accept Application For Accreditation to Prospective Suppliers;
    • Transmit copy of approved Purchase Orders to COA;
    • Implement existing laws, rules and regulations, including policies, as regards to government procurement and supply management system.
  5. Records Management and Archival Division
    • Serve as the record custodian of the office;
    • Plans and formulates policies and guidelines for effective and efficient records keeping;
    • Under direction, enforces policies on records management, relative to proper records keeping and disposal or destruction of records of the office;
    • Record and transmit outgoing communication;
    • Dispatch mails and communications;
    • Encode communication in the Data Base Build-up System;
    • Update files of Statement of Assets and Liabilities of GSO personnel;
    • Update records of permanent documents and titles of real properties owned by the City Gov’t.;
    • Conduct periodic inventory of active and in-active files for disposal.
  6. Property Management and Inventory Division
    • Conduct periodic physical inventory of government vehicles and office equipment;
    • Validate and record all incoming Property Issue Slip and Acknowledgment Receipt For Equipment (ARE);
    • Validation of Utilization Report (UR) of Supplies and Materials for purchases.
    • Encode all detailed informations of each ARE for every accountable officers and employees;
    • Prepare and submit Monthly Inventory Report to all department and offices;
    • Prepare and submit Annual Inventory Report to the COA;
    • Tagging of Property Sticker to every property or equipment, recording and deployment of equipment and property;
    • Post repair of vehicle and equipment in the Property Repair Card.
    • Renewal of LTO Registration and Insurance of vehicles;
    • Encode all detailed informations of each Property Return Slip (PRS).
    • Reconcile and update renewal of ARE/s;
    • Facilitates property clearances as to property accountabilities.
  7. Inspection Division
    • Inspection of actual existence of delivery of supplies and materials as indicated in the Purchase Order.
    • Inspection of delivery of supplies and materials to ensure compliance and conformity with the specifications in the Purchase Order.
    • Inspection of unserviceable supplies and materials, equipment and vehicles returned by departments or offices.
    • Conduct Pre-Repair and Post-Repair inspection for repair of equipment and vehicle.
    • Verify, inspect proposed demolition of government structure.
    • Conduct inspection of the physical condition of City Gov’t. structures proposed for demolition and estimate the appraisal value of unserviceable properties and transmit to the COA.
  8. Stocking, Storage and Disposal Division
    • Posting of receipts, issuances of supplies and materials, equipment in the Supply or Property Card.
    • Check and verify Requisition issue Slip (RIS) for request of supplies and materials carried in stock at the GSO Warehouse.
    • Facilitate the issuance of sorting materials, goods,office supplies & other material and check the Acknowledgement Receipt for issuance and release to recipients.
    • Maintain records for incoming and outgoing RIS and Acknowledgement Receipts.
    • Conduct auction of unserviceable supplies and materials, spare parts, equipment and vehicles.
  9. General Maintenance (Building and Equipment ) Division
    • Extend minor carpentry, plumbing, electrical services to City Hall, Sangguniang Panlungsod, City Health Office, City Health Centers, CSSDO Centers, and other City Gov’t. buildings;
    • Maintenance and repair of airconditioner and typewriter;
    • Provide assistance to the CENRO in the installation of facilities at the parks and plazas during special events and festivals of the city.